How can I create a risk record only appropriate for Trust level staff to view?

Record strategic level risks not linked to your organisation's individual locations

In addition to strategic risks specifically relevant to one or all of your organisation's individual locations, you can flag a strategic risk record as a Trust-level risk. This will mean that only users who are either account owners, or with a custom permission with admin level access to the Strategic Risk Register will be able to view these risks, helping you to make sure your staff are only able to see what is appropriate for them to view.

To create a trust level only risk, click the 'new risk record' button from the Strategic Risks Register.

You will then need to ensure that you've selected the trust-level option when prompted to choose which level of risk you're recording.

You may now proceed to describe the impact of the risk and your mitigation strategy.

During the preview stage, where you will choose a review frequency, you will also be able to confirm how many of your users will be able to view this risk.

If you'd like to check who the people are, you can click to expand the section.

Once you're satisfied, click 'Finish Record' to save the strategic risk record in your risk register.

Your published Trust-level risks will have a red badge to indicate their status when being viewed.