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How does the Health & Safety Risk Matrix work?

Our Risk Assessment Matrix plots the residual risk scores of your risk assessments

This helps you effectively manage your risks across your premises and can help to easily identify high risk activities and monitor the impact of your control measures.

The risk matrix plots the residual risk scores for your risk assessments, giving you an overall picture of the levels of risk in your organisation. Where you have identified multiple hazards, we use the average severity and the average likelihood (both rounded to the nearest whole number) to calculate the average residual risk score.

Any risk assessments with overdue reviews will revert to their unmitigated risk scores and you should plan to re-assess the effectiveness of your current control measures as soon as possible. Overdue assessments will be indicated on the risk matrix by a red triangle in the cell containing the assessment.

The higher the risk score, the greater the chances of harm occurring from the assessed activity. You should be aiming to minimise risk where possible to protect your workforce and others from harm by the application of appropriate control measures such as provision of training or equipment.

Assessments can also be sent to colleagues who can sign to say they have read and understood the contents.