1. Support
  2. Premises
  3. Tasks, Jobs, and Assets

What makes a task urgent or upcoming?

To help you prioritise your compliance activities, we categorise tasks as OverdueUrgentUpcoming or Later.

Different tasks have different frequencies with which they need to be completed, commonly tasks that occur less frequently are more complicated and often require contractors, so we give you more notice of these.


These tasks are past their due date and need to be completed as soon as possible.  These should be your top priority.


These tasks are going to be due soon.  For a qualified person task you should have a contractor arranged, for a competent person task you should have agreed who is doing the task and when.

An annual task will be urgent 1 month before it is due, a quarterly task 3 weeks before it is due, a monthly task 1 week before it is due and a weekly task 1 day before it is due.  A daily task will only be urgent on the day it is due.  Tasks that occur less frequently than annually will become urgent 1 month before they are due.


These tasks are getting close, it's time to start planning how they will be completed.  Do you need to arrange a contractor?  Do you need to schedule time in somebodies calendar to complete the task?

An annual task will be upcoming 2 months before it is due, a quarterly task 6 weeks before it is due, a monthly task 2 weeks before it is due and a weekly task 2 days before it is due. Tasks that occur less frequently than annually will become urgent 2 months before they are due.


Everything else.  These tasks are not imminent and you probably don't need to worry about these just yet.  However, if you have a favourite contractor that gets booked up a long time in advance, you may well need to act.