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  2. Documents
  3. Policies & Procedures

How can I track if my policies are signed and up to date?

Your Policy Readership Report allows you to see at a glance which documents have outstanding signatures or need reviewing.

Your Policy Readership Report has three views available to you depending on what you'd like to see.

By document

This view shows each document by name and will tell you the location it applies to. You're also able to see how many versions have been published and for the most recent one, the publication and expiry dates. Each document will also specify the number of signatures requested, completed, and out of date.

You're able to filter this view by the location the document applies to or by using the search function (for example if you want to see all documents relating to 'fire').

Scroll down to the bottom of this view to export a CSV file with this data.

By person

This view shows each of your user by name and will tell you the the number of signatures requested, completed, and out of date for each individual.

You're able to filter this view by role, group, or user location. Alternatively, use the search function if you want to see a specific individual.

Clicking on the name of a user will take you to a page where you can see all of their incomplete (or completed) requests for policies, risk assessments, bulletins, and forms.

All unread

This view specifies the outstanding signature requests by person and document. You're also able to see who sent the request and when they sent it.

You're able to filter this view by the location the document applies to or by using the search function (for example if you want to see all documents relating to 'fire'). Additionally, you can also filter by role, group, or user location.

Scroll down to the bottom of this view to export a CSV file with this data.