1. Support
  2. Organisation & Location Settings

Can I automate data exports to generate reports for my school or trust?

API tokens can be used to integrate data from your iAM account into other applications such as Microsoft BI or Google Sheets

This is a premium feature available with a full subscription to iAM Compliant

This feature is only available to account owners

Head into your account settings and select 'Your API tokens' from the right hand menu.

Generate a token to feed into your chosen analysis software, and the token will be stored against your user profile. Each account owner can have up to 3 API tokens each.

You are responsible for maintaining the security of your API tokens. They provide access to potentially sensitive information.

You can deactivate or remove any tokens that you no longer wish to have access to your account.

You may encounter an issue where dates imported into Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel are displayed incorrectly. This is usually caused by the default formatting applied to imported data, and is outside of our control. Applying your preferred date format to these columns will fix this display issue.